Cute but Psycho
By bookishbronte
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • addiction
  • adventure
  • betrayal
  • bully
  • bullyingawareness
  • dark
  • detective
  • drama
  • featured
  • fiction
  • hiddensecrets
  • lies
  • love
  • mystery
  • newadult
  • psycho
  • psychological
  • revenge
  • romance
  • secrets
  • suspense
  • texttospeech
  • thriller
  • truthordare
  • wattpad
  • wattpadmystery


We've all heard and devoured the classic trope involving the shenanigans of a jock, a princess, a nerd, and a criminal. Although who knows of the trouble capable of ensuing when The Breakfast Club isn't PG-13 anymore? That's the 2007 freshman batch of Arlington University for you. A self proclaimed narc, a blue eyed beauty concealing a Grey Goose in her fanny pack, a playboy with a haunting past, and a musician turned jock selling his soul for steroids out on the soccer field- all scrambling to clear their names out when the silver spooned vixen of Arlington goes missing. Questions are raised, cold corpses come to light, and the blue blooded tyrants finally learn that every action comes with an equally forceful reaction. But are they too late? Copyright 2021| bookishbronte Word Count [ 1,00,000 - 1,10,000 ] (Featured in Wattpad's Mystery reading list)

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Cute but...
by bookishbronte