Started with Dares...
By Fairytail_Co_Workers
  • Romance
  • fairytail
  • fairytaillemon
  • fairytailsmut
  • fanfiction
  • gale
  • gruvia
  • jerza
  • laxujane
  • lemon
  • nalu


⚠️WARNING! CONTAINS ALOT OF LEMON/SMUT! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! LIKE ALOT! ⚠️ "Oh, sorry you must have the wrong person because I already have my card." She pulls out her card for proof and shows it to the woman. The woman shoos the gesture away and hands the card to her. Erza became extremely confused and questioned the room number and floor. "You will know which floor. The rose petals will lead the way..." Erza is now super confused and turns around. She then sees a trail of pink and red rose petals scattered across the floor towards the elevators. She follows them but then realized that it is bringing her to the penthouse elevator... She goes into the elevator and slides the car. She clicks the button and the elevator shoots up. She looks at herself through the reflection of the elevator. And fixes her hair and requips on some black flats to cover her sandy toes. The elevator finally reached the top floor and more colorful rose petals trail to the door. It stops at the door and she uses the room key that the woman had given her to open the door. She steps into the penthouse of the hotel and admired the beauty of the room. She wanders around the room and looks around to find the dining room, kitchen, living room, a bathroom, a bedroom, and the balcony. She looks some more to find that there is a second floor. She pass up the steps and is lead to a grand door. She opens the door and steps inside and closes the door behind her. "Hello Erza... It looks like my plan worked... ~_~_~_~ When matchmaking cupid, Mirajane Strauss, sets up a mission to bring the Fairy Tail couples together, things fall out of hand. The love is a bit intense and Mira's job is easier than expected. But what happens when she is involved in this too! The couples share their ups and downs but everyone hopes the love will last ⚠️WARNING! CONTAINS ALOT OF LEMON/SMUT! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! LIKE ALOT! ⚠️

Chapter 1 - The Dare

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Started w...
by Fairytail_Co_Workers