달 아래 Under th...
By DasDraven
  • Fanfiction
  • angst
  • boyxboy
  • cix
  • drama
  • fanfiction
  • fluff
  • gay
  • historical
  • hwanjo
  • hwanwoong
  • keonhi
  • kimyoungjo
  • kpopfanfic
  • leedoh
  • oneus
  • oneushwanwoong
  • oneusravn
  • ravn
  • ravnxhwanwoong
  • ravwoong
  • romance
  • seoho
  • underthemoon
  • xion
  • youngjo


• Under the moon there is no time. Under the moon there is no right or wrong. Under the moon- ~~there it's just us~~ • Two timelines, two lifes, one love. ~~ A second Chance or a second curse? • • • • • Disclaimer: All things that are written inside this book are completely made up and are not to be associated with the real idols, that I chose as my characters. Please remember that this story is 100% fiction and has zero connection to reality. Disclaimer 2: This is a boyxboy story If you don't like that, then don't read it.. Thank you. • • Genre: Historical, modern, romance, fluff, angst, basically everything xD Ship: ONEUS 레이븐 (Ravn) x 환웅 (Hwan Woong) Reader's influence: possible • Started: 01.12.2019 Progress: ongoing • Cover (yeah I wrote the characters myself... it took ages until it looked alright...) and story by @DasDraven I don't own any of the pictures used throughout the book. All rights go to the respectful owners


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달 아?...
by DasDraven