Blaze - The journey...
By JustSamG
  • Teen Fiction
  • cancer
  • dog
  • family
  • journey
  • life
  • perfect
  • sad


When a life ends it is a sad day many hearts are torn in to tiny fragments, many tears are shed and many dreams become never ending nightmares but during the unfortunate ending there is a new start. Life can hurt and most defiantly bring you close to the edge but life is just a minor step to destiny, beyond death is the next step, the largest step that will literally take your breath away. This is a heart wrenching tale of a family left distroit due to the birth of a puppy who takes his mothers life. He has a wild rollercoaster life ahead of him, you never know what will happen next. The story touches on subjects such as cancer, hate, love and death. A must read if you are a dog lover or love the unexpected. A dog's love is unconditional and always forgiving.

Chapter 1 - The perfect family

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Blaze - T...
by JustSamG