PuriKyun: Houkago?...
By PuriKyun
  • Fantasy
  • precure
  • prettycure
  • purikyun


"Oh hi, I'm Kayume Shin, some 3rd year high school student. I feel as though sometimes people take life too seriously, take a look around and breath for a sec. I don't think my life as a student would help me in any way since I lack general knowledge (or so I'm told) but there is one thing I am good at. So until that day, I will be..." "Sakiko Yuui is the name and beating you is the game! Don't look down at me just because I'm a mere 3rd year middle schooler! I make sure to start my day with a fresh reminder that I am good at what I do! I wanted to take the courage to protect the person I lo- admire! Did you know, after school, I become...!" "I'm Riho Oshinomiya and believe it or not but I am a 3rd year high schooler! It's such a pleasure to meet you! It really is! I LOVE all things cute and seeing you is brightening up my day! One day, by accident, I learned that sometimes patience can take you a long way because when I joined the after-school club I became..." "Why hello there, I'm Kimi Seishima, your favorite 3rd year high school student. Like any other student, I hated school. It was such a bore and I didn't like the people there much. Of course, that's until I grew up and lit-er-ally blew them away. One day, I learned that sometimes even I must show bullies a little bit of compassion so into that after-school club I went and became..." "My name? It's Yuzuki Agou and I'm a 3rd year high school student. That's what I've been told anyway. I go through school like any other student, basically just going with the flow until that one day I came across a weird club that brought me into a different dimension. Now, in school, I'm simply known as Yuzuki but after school, I'm..." Go take this one last spurt! Don't let the stress of this world overcome you, go awaken a miracle and aim for the future!

Vol. 1 - Stand to Attention! Open, the Book of Love

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by PuriKyun