"Carlie, Can you come down. Your sister has something to tell us." yelled to me from the stairs "Yeah, hold on i'm coming" I called from my room. I jumped up from my bed and raced down the stairs. "What's going on" I asked walking in the living room. "Okay everybody i'm getting married" my sister said excitedly. "To who, may I ask" asking my sister "You can come in now" she yelled across the house. I turned to the doorway to see a man standing there. I took a good long look at him and then felt my eyes pop out of my sockets. OMG it's Ronnie Radke. "Um Cassie do you know who he is" i asked still looking at him. "Yes I do" she said. I felt my lips pull into a smile I walked to him and stook out my hand "Hi i'm Carlie, and I love your band. I'm sure my sister told you i'm your number one fan." I said hyperly. He gave me a nodd and smiled Ronnie introduce himself to my parents and brother. All I could think of is Ronnie Radke is marring my sister.
Say What!? Ronnie Radke is my Brother in-law