The Audaz
By maheenmalik345
  • Teen Fiction
  • arrogant
  • badboy
  • beautiful
  • billionaire
  • characters
  • cleanromance
  • cleanstory
  • drama
  • happiness
  • highschool
  • hurdles
  • innocent
  • love
  • mine
  • romance
  • teenfiction


This story is about a girl named Hailey-a girl with a strong character, a girl who has lost faith in her every relation related to men, a girl who stays strong even after going through a thousands of hurdles and tortures through life and a girl who has no room for the word "LOVE" in her life. She is someone who attracts attention where ever she goes, and someone who is determined to win every battle of her life. Hailey is the perfect description of a butterfly; pretty to watch and hard to catch. Not being touched by any boy, she remains a challenge and holds a position of respect in every boys heart. Being with her is every one's dream. But as per Hailey, she has restricted her life to achieve a goal and become an independent women in life, without the support of any man. But the twist in the story comes when, a new boy "Xavier Evans", joins the school along with his cousin, " Ajax Evans". Both of then coruscate power and money. Xavier is a rich boy unlike Hailey, but has a feature of attitude in him. Though he didn't have a rough past like Hailey, but he believes relationships and stuff to be a wastage of time and is very well aware of the type of gold diggers. Despite all the efforts Hailey and Xavier couldn't help to stay away from each other-either by the work of fate or due to physical attraction. With the passage of time even after ignoring, both of them start to realize how difficult is it to escape each other's mystic charm. Ajax also have an interesting role in the story. His chancy affection for Hailey, somehow awakens the possessive side of Xavier. But will Xavier ever realise his true feeling for Hailey, and will Hailey give him a chance? To find out read this amazing l story., full of love, frienship, betrayals and unexpected turns. All rights are reserved, any portion of this book shouldn't be reproduced, or else a serious action will be taken. Give the book a try and I ensure it will be amazing. Regards: Maheen Fatima

Chapter 1

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The Audaz
by maheenmalik345