Book Reviews
By Polu1998
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'Books are a uniquely portable magic.' -Stephen King. I'm a staunch believer of the above quote and it's with great pleasure that I publish my first ever work which will solely contain book reviews! I'm something of an amateur critic myself, when it comes to films and writing. For each review, I'll be reading the first five chapters of the book, and critiquing it, thereafter. Note: This book isn't meant to bash or target anyone personally. I will just try to give my opinion in the most honest and tactful way possible. Also, when I use 'you' or 'your' in the review, I'm definitely referring to the writer of the story. Last but not least, my reviews won't contain any numerical ratings. I find the practice reductive. [Temporarily closed for requests]

Will We Have Our Happy Ending?

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Book Revi...
by Polu1998