Evmor: The Calling
By juneirenekim
  • Fantasy
  • 2fab4reads
  • action
  • adventure
  • demons
  • kingdoms
  • kings
  • queens
  • romance


Aviara Skye is keeping a secret: she is convinced she is slowly but surely losing her mind. But if she thought being continuously plagued by nightmares was the worst of it, she's in for an unpleasant surprise. Unnatural creatures walk in broad daylight, a crazy fortuneteller warns her of the future, and a man with gold and silver eyes seems to be stalking her. She tries her best to deny all this but when she is almost murdered by a grotesque monster, she decides she's had enough. In the form of a young warrior, Aviara finds out what she must do: Restore the fallen kingdom of Velduron. But the King of Cimerias won't stand for that. Before Aviara can take action, she is chased out of her home by bloodthirsty demons and unwittingly steps into the world of Evmor. The wonders of Evmor draw her in but she must be careful: the beautiful things mask the treacheries within. *Under some serious editing process


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Evmor: Th...
by juneirenekim