His Choice
By past_mid_night
  • Fantasy
  • choices
  • crime
  • love
  • madness
  • romance
  • timetravel


The wind howled softly kissing the skies with a ballet of whispers. It shouted calling out and taunting those who lay below its powerful screams. The winds encased the castle rupturing the spluttering drops that mocked it. A man of shadow and light stood in the seams being forced to chose between two paths. One of ease and patience and the other of destruction, beauty, passion, desire, love, and damnation but both had a price. The one of ice would take his heart while the one of fire would burn his soul. Choices the obstruction of epitome and the force of our mind's power to believe. To him choices were everything infinitely circling and shrieking; crazed laughter bringing on the rupturing of minds and the shattering of one's hopes. This story tells the choice between a man's soul and his mind. Follow Adrian Levetté and join him in his realizing he would give both his mind and soul for her.

His Choice

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His Choice
by past_mid_night