Off the Record (Gir...
By taylenking
  • Romance
  • college
  • comedy
  • drama
  • drugs
  • gangs
  • gay
  • humor
  • lesbian
  • lgbt
  • lgbtpride
  • stem
  • violence


Jacqueline "Jacqi" Banks is thriving in her junior year of university. She has a hilarious talk radio show with her best friend, Sunni, that graces the ears of thousands on campus and has her own podcast that's listened to all over the States. Meanwhile, Zaria "Riri" Woods is also having an active, successful university career as the lead writer for the sports column in the school paper. When she's not writing for the paper or interviewing college players, she's usually writing, producing and recording music. The two are successful Black women at a predominantly white college who seem to have it all together on the outside, but behind closed doors deeper and darker realities are present. Once they connect, their realities become exposed to each other and intertwined. They find themselves saving each other from these realities and trying to conquer the most persistent demons.

roll call

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Off the R...
by taylenking