By KtAlexis
  • Teen Fiction
  • accident
  • best
  • bestfriends
  • colton
  • falloutboy
  • fiction
  • friends
  • glennon
  • high
  • humor
  • kacee
  • love
  • romance
  • school
  • stirling
  • teen
  • teenfiction
  • unintentional


"'Nobody here listens anymore! Nobody here cares!' She yells, tears streaming down her face as she hits the dashboard repeatedly with her palm. I clench my grip on the steering wheel. 'I do,' I whisper to her. 'I care.' She sends me a watery smile. 'I know you care, Colt, but you're my best friend. You're obligated to.'" *** Kacee Stirling and Colton Glennon are inseparable. There is rarely a moment when they are parted. Kacee's even best friends with Colton's girlfriend, Megan, while Colton is on the football team with Kacee's boyfriend, Shane. There wasn't a way for them to get closer; neither could imagine what life would be like without the other there. But a shocking accident threatens to take Colton away from Kacee, and she has to face harsh reality when she realizes that if the worst possible should actually come to be, she might have to live without Colton. She realizes that she can't. It would hurt too much for him to be taken away from her. Accidents happen even to the best of us. Even love can be an accident, Kacee


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by KtAlexis