Say What?
By a_real_disaster
  • Non-Fiction
  • dontjudge
  • mess
  • nohate
  • nothingbettertodo
  • randomstuff
  • rant
  • saywhat
  • thanks
  • thoughts
  • vent


"Always be yourself, unless you can be a unicorn. Then always be a unicorn." (used to be called Relax, Chillax, And Get Over Yourself) I honestly don't really know what this is, just a collection of thoughts and random events that I have opinions on. Don't judge. THIS IS A JUDGE-FREE ZONE PEOPLE! So if you are going to judge me on any of this, I politely ask you to escort yourself out of this book and go be judgy on someone else's page. Actually, just don't be judhy on anyone's page, please and thank you. Okay, I got to admit that was a kind of rude way to start this off, but hey, don't judge a book by its cover. #1 in nohate #5 in vent #10 in rant

What is wrong with people?

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Say What?
by a_real_disaster