Wounded Hearts
By raieverie
  • Teen Fiction
  • drama
  • heavy
  • novel
  • raiverie
  • series
  • whwp
  • youngadult


Wounded Hearts | #WHwp a novel : Isabela Series 1 "You healed me. You have no idea how your warmth mended the wounds in my heart." Her name appears between it-girl and nerd. Eliana Silverio, the ever so careful youngest child of the Silverios, who makes almost everyone around her fall in a trance, was known to be someone who lets cracks form in her heart. She knows she needs to heal her wounded heart as much as her knowledge told her Alaric Jonquil Avila wants to break it. With his sarcastic smirk and annoying remarks, Eliana can't help but trip over and find herself falling for him deeper than she had before. Eliana faced two choices as she loved him. She cannot back out, she has to choose one. And she chose to run away. UNDER MAJOR EDITING !! Started: November 17, 2019 Ended: November 16, 2020

Wounded Hearts

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Wounded H...
by raieverie