Love Conquered The...
By 1996lovexzwy
  • Fanfiction
  • boyslove
  • lovestory
  • untamed
  • wangxian
  • yizhan
  • zhanyi


Wang Yibo was a 20 years old hot temper guy who loves to bring chaos around him. He was stubborn ,proud ,egoistic all thanks to his wealthy family who owns multiple stake of shares in various big companies across China. He has no interest with business and he reject to be the CEO of one of his father's Company .Since he was born in a well to do family he was a spoilt son with an emotionless heart . Xiao Zhan a 26 years old guy was an ordinary citizen who earns his living as an artist and a house designer . His life was simple and lived happily with his not too rich family.. But thanks to his handsome face ,he was able to attract many girls and even boys cannot resist his charms. One of them was Wang Yizing the elder sister of Wang Yibo . She has a big crush over Xiao Zhan since they studied on the same school. But Xiao Zhan who was too polite, cannot reject her completely though he was not interested on her at first as he want to focus first on his studies but later he starts to have feelings toward her for her great personality and her beautiful face. Everything was in place until one day Wang Yibo and his family had an accident which killed his sister and his mother on spot.. Due to chest injuries Wang Yibo heart was transplanted by his deceased Sister's Heart which was a life changing for both Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo. Author notes : Sorry for my grammar and typos mistakes.. English was not my first language. I was from physics and Mathematics background hence my language of expressions will be poor .. In addition I never recheck what I wrote hence lot of errors .But hope you can love the story though I will not be able to update regularly but whenever I got free time in hand I will try to update. Criticism is welcome on the comment box so that I'll understand my mistakes. Part 1 will be update soon. Thank you once again

Part 1.. Sister's Secret.

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Love Conq...
by 1996lovexzwy