I7: Time (Rewriting)
By ArcXys
  • Fanfiction
  • angst
  • dark
  • fantasy
  • future
  • idolish7
  • kujoutenn
  • mystery
  • nanaseriku
  • revale
  • shounenai
  • trigger
  • zool


「I, cannot rewind the time」 oOo Nanase Riku, a child full of energy and can be everyone's lucky charm. His smile and his voice bring happiness to people. 「A bit hurt doesn't matter as long as they're fine」 The people's happiness is actually his suffering. A smile that can never be broke or crack, is his only mask for the lifetime. People move forward along with their suffering but he cannot. Stuck in the time that continues to move but his mind can no longer follow it. The memory of the past, cannot be changed. "People and time, and this destiny. Everythings change without me." oOo WARNING! 《OOC》I will try to move this without it virus come or the story will be troubling me. 《ANGST》All the blood, the gore and the death is needed for the growth of character 《FANTASY》There is no fantasy in this story but a slight of it only. 《IDOLiSH7》I do not own IDOLiSH7 nor the character. It belongs to the all mighty Banri-san. ©ArcXys-2019/October Cover by @SixZeroNine


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I7: Time...
by ArcXys