The Phantom Is A Ma...
By melrose_1010
  • Fanfiction
  • danielmasters
  • dannyphantom
  • darkdanny
  • father-son
  • sorryifitsucks
  • sorta-dark
  • vlad
  • vladmasters


A Danny Phantom fanfic... Where was he supposed to go now? His sister was off at college, his best friends are dating and won't talk to him any more, and his parents... Well, let's just say they won't be letting him back home any time soon, not that the shitty bedroom and smelly hallways ever actually felt like home in the first place. He was bruised, broken, and bleeding out, he needed to think fast before he transformed back and suddenly fell from the sky. Wouldn't that be fun. Still clutching his side with the biggest gash in it, he thought of one person that would help. Even if he didn't want to speak with the man, he was literally the only one that could help him at the moment, maybe he'd even understand. But, that was wishful thinking on his part. Needing to land somewhere before be fainted midflight, he found a clearing behind his school and basically crashed into the ground, making him hiss at the pain. He could see his vision slowly fading as he reached for his phone and scrolled through his contacts till he found the name he was looking for. Why Danny had Vlad's number saved in his phone, he wasn't quite sure. "Hello?" "V-Vlad... h-hel-help...." There was a pause on the other end of the line. Danny was running out of time. "Who is this?!" "I-Its Da-Danny... p-ple-ease..." "Daniel?! What happened? Where are you?" "Sc-Scho-ool... p-please... he-help... m-me..." And with those last three words muttered out inbetween huffs of breath and hissing of pain, Danny Fenton welcomed the darkness that was sleep. WARNING! This story does contain some mentions of abuse, tourter, suicide attempts, and other things that may cause triggers to some people, I will try to put in some warnings before and after these parts of the story pass, but this is your warning if I don't have the time to do that.


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The Phant...
by melrose_1010