Confessions in a Br...
By diggoryhiraeth
  • Fanfiction
  • broomcloset
  • fanfiction
  • harrypotter
  • hpff
  • hpnextgen
  • jamessiriuspotter
  • nextgeneration
  • potter
  • romancefanfiction
  • twins


James Sirius Potter was a hopeless romantic who allowed himself to get lost in the fictional world of romance. Some might say he moved on fast but he fell faster. Five months after breaking up with his girlfriend of a year due to her unfaithfulness, James grows interested in the beautiful Iris Hayes. The only problem was Iris was well known for rejecting boys left and right. James was determined to not be another boy on that list. He just had only little problem, he didn't know how to catch her attention. After a series of failed attempts, he decided to consult the one person who knew Iris best: her twin sister, Ivy. Only he didn't expect to find her crying in a broom closet about her boyfriend. Together, they navigate the ups and downs of love through secret meetings in the broom closet where they realize that maybe love wasn't at all what they thought it was.

Confessions In a Broom Closet

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by diggoryhiraeth