A Journey to Love...
By Aathrocks
  • Romance
  • blue
  • confident
  • cruise
  • cute
  • fun
  • girl
  • guy
  • home
  • idiot
  • love
  • loving
  • nerdy
  • pink
  • romance
  • ship
  • stubborn


A south Indian girl,so stubborn and self confident enough that she wants to live an independent life. I know it's not a special thing that anyone can live their life like they wish.But when it comes to being a South Indian girl,things turn in a different direction.As true it is,they aren't allowed much to take their own decisions. And if they did,then the people will start thinking that she's some kind of an alien or so.... So I guess,I am clear about my story's atmosphere. Rakhi-she's also such a girl but the thing is she wouldn't mind on being called such a alien! :-D So let's see what happens to her life.Will she reach Singapore? Will she have to face a twisted fate on her journey? And being a 'love-hater' herself...will she ever fall in love..? Well, let's just travel with her and enjoy the trip... In need of all your comments and suggestions and complaints and also criticism.

A Journey to Love. ..

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A Journey...
by Aathrocks