In a world where giant transforming alien robots are merely a work of fiction, a group of friends try to escape their grim reality through the many media outlets the internet has to offer. However, when they're suddenly thrust into a dimension that is not their own, their mundane lives become a little more... interesting, so to speak. With the mighty Thirteen watching and aiding anywhere they can, the group find themselves fighting to change the fates of the Cybertronians they've grown to love throughout their childhoods. But how far will that love take them? And will they succeed in their mission? Only time will tell, but every change has consequences. Secrets will be revealed, and new threats will arise. Will they be up to the task? Or will they fail, and plunge the ones they love into extinction? ~Slow Updates~ (This story is set in the Bayverse, but will have elements from other continuities too. Mainly Transformers Prime and G1) ⚠️Our OCs and ideas are ours and ours alone! Please DO NOT use them without our explicit permission!⚠️