Poetry in Motion
By Inconvenient_Ideal
  • Fanfiction
  • 2019
  • arkhamasylum
  • arthurfleck
  • batman
  • clown
  • dancing
  • dccomics
  • film
  • friendship
  • gothamcity
  • insanity
  • joaquinphoenix
  • joker
  • jokerxoc
  • journal
  • love
  • mentalillness
  • origins
  • psychiatrist
  • psychological
  • talking
  • thejoker
  • thriller
  • unstable


"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." Hearing Imelda speaking, Arthur blinked and looked down at her. She smiled and nodded at him, "What is it you're looking up at, Arthur? What's your stars, as per se?" She leaned casually against the wall; arms crossed regardless of the rustle of the plastic bag as she crossed one ankle over the over. He became a little nervous, admittedly. Imelda just looked at him patiently, smiling kindly all the while. She didn't mind him taking time to answer. "I want to go into comedy." Arthur said, watching her smile widen, she looked interestedly at him. "Standup, mainly." Arthur never thought in a million years that he would cross paths with someone who genuinely seemed to care and want to know what he would say; likewise with how he felt. Imelda Henderson was a little ray of sunshine in an otherwise bleak and dismal life, one which Arthur was more than glad came into his life. However, he was soon going to set into motion events that even he could not foresee or wholly control, but what's the point of controlling that which needs to be freed and let loose on the world? But then likewise, who says that needing to slowly let go and transform needs to be done alone? Everybody needs a somebody in their corner, and plus; misery loves company.


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Poetry in...
by Inconvenient_Ideal