Quotes 7- Sometimes...
By 5seccondsofash
  • Poetry
  • 2020
  • better
  • disney
  • dreams
  • faith
  • freedom
  • gets
  • god
  • good
  • hope
  • is
  • itgetsbetter
  • kindness
  • love
  • myyear
  • self
  • selflove
  • trust
  • wewillbeokay


Hey wonderful people If you've never seen my quotes books before, my name is Catherine, basically a dancing Disney loving girl who's just trying her best at life I have loved quotes for as long as I can remember so I hope these bring a smile to your face, give you something to connect to and feel like you're not alone in whatever you may be going through, good or bad The title of this book is 'Sometimes lost, always finding', a Lilly Singh quote I think, and I'm in love with it! It's all about discovery- you don't have to have your life figured out by a certain point, and you will always be discovering new things about yourself- this is what life is all about! Yes you May get a little lost sometimes along the way, but that is just part of the adventure. It can be so easy to fall into society's trap of expectations, but what we really need is to let that go, and just live our lives the way we decide Try and remember that through this new year, and when you get lost, take a step back, breath- you will be okay. Loosing your path is what will make you into the person you are constantly becoming. Like that person, flaws and all Forever and always All my love Cat xoxo

One day you'll be old enough to start reading fairytales again

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Quotes 7...
by 5seccondsofash