90 Day DGCP Challen...
By assistu2win
  • Non-Fiction
  • businesssuccess
  • goalsetting
  • motivation
  • self
  • selfhelp


We all have dreams and goals. I've found that many have adopted someone else's dream and have abandoned their very own. I'm in pursuit to challenge individuals to return to their dream, and begin to believe in their own greatness. The three part process to achievement begins with awareness. You can't build an actionable plan or even hold someone accountable if you first don't come into awareness of your what and your why. Once you obtain clarity, we then move to action. The difference from those who know and those who go is found in execution. We have our unique verbiage for this and we can later share. Learning to execute without excuses is critical to one's growth and development. The final stage in our challenge is accountability. I love this piece because this becomes the glue that keeps one moving in the right direction. True accountability is more than borrowing the cheerleaders pom pom's. Sometimes it's just having the simple and direct conversation that starts and ends with a question: so give me an update on your progress? Simple question that shouldn't let someone give alot of fluff. We don't want to hear the story everytime of why you can't and couldn't. Accountability challenges your desire and asks, "How bad do you want it"? I guess right here is a good place to stop and ask, "Will you accept the challenge"?

The Bookwork

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90 Day DG...
by assistu2win