Exit Sign: a Theatr...
By RemingtonSloan
  • General Fiction
  • contemplation
  • courage
  • depression
  • drivethru
  • empathy
  • existential
  • faith
  • fastfood
  • fiction
  • grief
  • hope
  • life
  • literature
  • love
  • marriage
  • metamodernism
  • millennial
  • nihilism
  • original
  • philosophy
  • realism
  • sliceoflife
  • starbucks
  • suicidalthoughts
  • suicide


Will Dave survive? It's like Seinfeld meets Sartre in a café to reenact *My Dinner with André*: Dave feels like life is a theatrical performance, and he's in the audience. He didn't buy tickets. He's not interested in the show, and nothing he can say or do will disrupt the story on the stage. What's to stop him from getting up and leaving? What's to stop him from walking through the door with the exit sign over it? In *Exit Sign: a Theatre of the Mind*, you'll read dialogues between friends, spats between lovers, and the musings of mad young man as he psychically faces the Hellscape of his nihilistic affliction. Depression is not Dave's affliction; it is a symptom of a deeper disease. . I've completed the novel. I'll be posting chapters weekly until I've posted the whole thing. It is completed; you will get to read the ending. You'll notice that while I write in third person I tend to rely heavily on the inner monologue of my main character, which will be found in italics. I started doing this because I wanted to show the reader what was happening in Dave's mind rather than stating his emotions or feelings objectively, which I found boring as it left less room empathy between Dave and the reader. Novels are best when they lean into their strengths. No other medium can so effectively show us the inside of someone's mind like the novel. No other medium can create such empathy. I hope my story has leaned into this successfully.

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Exit Sign...
by RemingtonSloan