Arizona Thunderstorm
By DariaLamtsova
  • Romance


Shenna Brooks drove fast from a family event in New Mexico back to Washington state, where she lived with her boyfriend. Next day should have been his birthday and she promised him to be home on a date of his birthday. She drove with her brothers and was sure that they would manage to cover the distance through five states within twenty five hours. But ordinary vehicle breakdown threw a wrench into girl's plans. They got stuck in the middle of nowhere in Arizona. Desperate to be home at any rate Shenna brought her car to the only car repair shop in the area, while her brothers caught a ride to buy some food. The thunderstorm broke suddenly. It cut Shenna from her brothers and locked her in the car shop with its only worker, Jack, a tall, young guy with a harsh heart deaf to Shenna's plea for help. Several hours spent together changed Shenna's life dramatically, and it changed again, when the girl failed with her promise to Jack.

Author's Note

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Arizona T...
by DariaLamtsova