That Magnetic Pull
By MaybeitsBee
- Romance
- analynn
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- another
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- chicago
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- designer
- devotion
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- distance
- documents
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- end
- ending
- epilogue
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- friend
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- function
- god
- goodbye
- graduation
- greg
- guy
- happiness
- happy
- history
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- impressions
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- kiss
- last
- like
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- lunch
- lynn
- magnetic
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- mistake
- moonlight
- mrs
- name
- neighbor
- new
- night
- number
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- one
- other
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- pull
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- rugged
- sad
- second
- sharp
- shart
- shelly
- shoot
- shot
- stay
- strike
- surprise
- sushi
- take-out
- talk
- tears
- three
- together
- united
- video
- warning
- words
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In the city of Chicago, Analynn Georges (George-juhs) finds herself devoting her almost all of her attention on a summer internship in an advertising company. Not knowing much about the "Windy City," she's still learning the kinks of how it all functions. Unknown by her, she's about to become someone important to one of the city's key players (the word not meaning what you necessarily think). With something massive now demanding at least some of her attention, will she able to make it all work or will someone just get hurt and broken in the end?
That Magnetic Pull - Prologue
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