Blinded By The Dark...
By Shadowboltgamer
  • Teen Fiction
  • drama
  • fighting
  • friendship
  • hiddensecrets
  • romance
  • school
  • schoolproblems
  • secretplace
  • truefeelings


The book cover was made me This story is about a school shows the hidden talent or getting better at it and the school is about music, photography, art, choreography, cooking, drama. The school is always open-minded to other students and teachers, they love to hear new ideas from students to make their school better or their clubs bigger, so news students can join the club. There always a bright smile, warmth joy, and colorful places to go to. But they're a dark secret underneath the school where there is no light and happiness, but just darkness and trouble where they are waiting to break free from the chains and the coldness. When a new set of students join the school to find their touch to their music and they dream of becoming a band and showing the world their music and their voices. But when they are trying to find their spot to play their music and hangout, but they were about to know the darkness underneath the school. After they found out the dark secret, they found some students hiding or force to hidden since they were trouble, negative, emotionless, angry, abusive, suicide that the school had to vanish them that the school didn't have problems or trouble students that make it unsafe for other students. After the group found out the dark secret about their school and they realize the school is keeping people from finding themselves and making them someone else than yourself and their true feelings Will they break the rules and be free or follow the rule and hide your true self?

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Blinded B...
by Shadowboltgamer