By edanmorez
  • Teen Fiction
  • bullying
  • comedy
  • gangs
  • highschool
  • lesbian
  • lgbt
  • romance
  • stabbings
  • trauma


Azul Blake is anything but preppy, and tends to dampen the mood when she walks in. With the recent suicide of her older brother, she's kind of a mess. She doesn't want to follow in his footsteps, so she does her best to ignore temptation, even when it shows up directly in front of her and knocks on her chest. *** Melody Blackwood is a bit of a social butterfly. Joggling two boyfriends at once, she's able to seduce just about anybody. She starts to grow tired of boys upon being stuck in the same class with a rather handsome girl for two years. But in those two years, that girl has never said one word to her. Melody is determined to break down that girls' barriers and get to know her in a way no one else possibly could. *** Fabio Ricci fell in love with his best friend. There is only one major problem-scratch that, there are only three huge problems. 1. The girl struggles with depression after losing her brother to suicide. 2. She has only dated girls that she could easily dump in the past. 3. She has a crush on a beautiful girl named Melody, but Fabio isn't a girl and isn't sure how he can compete with them. Maybe he should grow boobs.


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by edanmorez