The Suncaul
By DukkhaRaja
  • Fantasy
  • darksun
  • dungeonsanddragons
  • rpg


Athas is a world of fire and sand. The crimson sun wraps the world in a caul that inevitably suffocates the life from anything that walks, crawls, or flies, and colossal sandstorms scour what grows from the dusty ground. Lightning booms from cloudless skies, and thirsty wind rips moisture from every mouth. Athas is a land of blood and dust, where desperate tribes of savage bandits sweep out of the salt plains to plunder lonely caravans, where mysterious singing winds call foolish men to slow suffocation in a sea of silt, where legions of slaves are driven to war over a few bushels of moldering grain. Athas is a land of power and suffering, where the Dragon walks the wastes, leaving glassy sands and befouled lands in his wake, where kings and queens with unspeakable sorcerous might build garish monuments to their suzerainty on the backs of a crashing tide of slaves. Athas is a world of change. The eternal reign of despotic agony has been dealt a blow with the successful popular revolt in Tyr, now known as the Free City. If you wander this world, death will hound your every step, but glory will hide behind every turn. Survival is the narrow, crumbling mountain path you must scale every day. As the nomadic elves say in farewell, may Tomorrow never catch you.


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The Sunca...
by DukkhaRaja