Mysterious Man ✅
By Anjali648
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • baiyu
  • guardian
  • romance
  • shenwei
  • weilan
  • yezun
  • zhuyilong


Detective zhao yunlan and Detective of CID shen Wei both live in different time and there is a physco who likes to kill women's who approach handsome detective. After five murder which have one thing common they have dots on there ankle like when first died their is one then second then there is two dot on her ankle but when fifth murder happened yunlan check her ankle and saw six dots nor five he confuse then where is the fifth one so, yunlan decided to catch that scum and he go to the his first murder location it was a tunnel and he was siting there when he run after him he suddenly disappear and attack yunlan at his back after that yunlan found himself in another time. will he able to catch that culprit which the key to go back his home or always stuck there? or that culprit will catch him who is obsessed with him? well I got this idea from" tunnel" it's a Korean drama and comic "physco". hope you like it.

where am i....

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by Anjali648