By nikknakk3
  • Teen Fiction
  • abuse
  • abused
  • ahhh
  • alive
  • alone
  • bad
  • batman
  • beach
  • bed
  • bleck
  • boy
  • boys
  • calls
  • childhood
  • code
  • courtroom
  • dance
  • date
  • day
  • death
  • dimples
  • divorce
  • dog
  • dogs
  • dreams
  • emotions
  • father
  • fear
  • feelings
  • filler
  • first
  • friends
  • girl
  • girls
  • goodbye
  • goodbyes
  • gorgeous
  • guys
  • hate
  • hatred
  • hearing
  • heartbreak
  • hope
  • house
  • hurt
  • judge
  • jury
  • justice
  • kidnapp
  • kiss
  • kisses
  • lawyers
  • letter
  • lies
  • life
  • loss
  • love
  • mad
  • missed
  • moment
  • mother
  • moving
  • mystery
  • neighbor
  • new
  • news
  • nightmare
  • ocean
  • packing
  • pain
  • passion
  • past
  • peace
  • people
  • phone
  • pineapple
  • plot
  • psycho
  • psychopath
  • red
  • reunited
  • romance
  • rough
  • sad
  • scared
  • scary
  • school
  • showers
  • sleep
  • superman
  • surprise
  • surprises
  • tearful
  • tears
  • terrible
  • towel
  • tricks
  • trouble
  • trust
  • truth
  • twist
  • understanding
  • update
  • verdict
  • worry


Since she was 10 years old Kendall's mother had abused her and her father had never noticed it. After eight years of abuse, one day her father walked in on her mother violently beating her. He called the cops and had her mother immediately put in jail and Kendall's father moved them away from her hometown. He never wanted Kendall's mother to get out of jail and find them but he knew that one day she would be out. In her new hometown Kendall meets an array of new people and her guard is up. Since the abuse she has never let her guard down but when she meets a particular guy she lets her guard down and she's afraid. What will happen and how will she survive?


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by nikknakk3