The Abled
By AuraPennyHorse
  • Fantasy
  • fantasy
  • wolf


We lived as the dominant species in a perfect world. But perfection was only a goal, a sort of name that made our kind seem powerful. Us, wolves had evolved, to be a species that controlled every other species including humankind. But we only won the countless wars with humans, through our newfound powers, elements, control over those elements. The battle was one sided however, countless humans were killed, so many that there are now only a few alive now. Wolves became smarter, we walked like the humans we destroyed, we talked, and even began building cities. But one thing would never change for the wolves, and that was the need for power. Wars between wolves broke out, and now the villages and cities all have a way to defend against intruders. Some had guards and armies, others lived in underground tunnels or caves. But where I came from, now that was a place behind walls. I was a part of that community, the one that hid behind five great walls. The wolves there knew little about the outside world. And the founders of that community strived to keep it that way. Only perfection was allowed within the walls, and though there had been some flaws in the past as to who was allowed to live in such a perfect society, I was born when things were finally going right. The rules were much stricter, and any wolf to violate the many rules would receive much harsher punishments. And all of this, was because of one founder, one cruel and ruthless leader, the only one in a group of elder founders to succeed in the goal of absolute perfection, and that leader, known as the master, was my mother. SM

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The Abled
by AuraPennyHorse