Psychology Antholog...
By optus_arts
  • Poetry
  • acceptance
  • arts
  • emotions
  • feelings
  • identity
  • inspiration
  • love
  • optimism
  • optus
  • personality
  • poem
  • psychology
  • reality
  • reason
  • showerthoughts
  • test
  • thoughts
  • thoughtsandfeelings
  • understanding
  • vent


Life. Life is complex. Life hurts. Life loves. Sometimes you love life. Sometimes you hate it. Sometimes you just want to give it all up. Sometimes you just want to stay in a place, forever. Sometimes it's never. Sometimes it's always. Sometimes you don't get anything you seek and have a breakdown. Sometimes you get what you want and have epiphanies, and you jump in joy. But that's just how life is. That's how it all goes. Nobody knows each day, what number of dice you'll roll. Nobody knows if one day you'll stop rolling dice. Maybe even more faces. Or maybe it's a gamble and you've suffered heavy losses. Either way it's action that can cause inaction. Or sometimes inaction is the best action. You honestly don't know, or sometimes maybe you do. But certainly not everyone knows. That's impossible. Just like knowing everyone and everything and all the resolutions is impossible. Not everything can be fixed. Nor is there a problem without a solution, whether it's good, or bad. But it just always continues, even if it's not what you want. Everyone makes a difference, and even if you believe you're small you can mean alot to others. Just like how some mean alot to you. So take care of yourself, and take care of others, and don't succumb to the rain and thunder. You need to find a way through the storm, or find peace with the storm. You're strong. I believe in you. So get out there, and show me what you've got.

Station of Lation

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by optus_arts