People always say you should make a wish when you see a shooting light in the sky but no ones said what I should do when the light isn't moving. You see I thought the same rule was applicable in both scenarios but I was wrong. I saw a bright light and I made a wish, nothing out of the ordinary just a simple wish but it opened the gate to a not so simple journey. My name is Arc it's short for Arcadio, which means 'truly brave.' It's a little ironic because I'm far from it but when my stupid wish causes a series of strange events to occur I will have no choice but to be brave...! This is a little demo of my story - My pupils shrunk as I gazed into the eyes of the beast that would soon bring me an early end. Its eyes were pure black. As I gazed I noticed the dark swirls that tunnelled around its pupils sluggishly whining into the centre where a luminous yellow light emerged. Its skin was pure black, not a single blemish could I see. It resembled a lion, a great ebony beast. Its main circled around his face like a decoration, proud and bushy like an honour it had earned. Its fur was sharp and bristle like. Such power ooze out of its body that even its hairs stood proudly on end. Paws the size of my face decorated with claws and a sharp array of teeth that spat blasphemy against the gods. Its teeth were tainted, a scarlet ting stained the ends of his teeth and a false tongue of crimson colour lurked behind it. Its face towered over me as a trembled in fear. Its back was darted with yellow stripes, like that of a zebra but this was different. The stripes moved like an ever changing patterns, illuminating a lime yellow glow to the surrounding. Its tail was long and ever slithering. It crackled in the air like a whip with granger.
The Crystal Odyssey