The Broken Plain: A...
By RoninPharaoh
  • Fantasy
  • angels
  • demons
  • drama
  • fantasy
  • fighting
  • gaming
  • hiphop
  • mythology
  • paranormal
  • rapping
  • rock
  • romance
  • werewolvesandvampires
  • witch


The story takes place in a parallel universe where Earth is known as Jupiter, & Demons, Angels, Witches, etc., live amongst Humans. The size of this planet is 347× the size of our own planet. It's 50% land/50% ocean. However, there are reported land masses floating amongst the clouds. Here, all Hybrid beings are treated with extreme prejudice. Tigon & his family struggle to maintain the balance. The family isn't the ordinary bunch of mercenaries. They're all Hybrids. In this world, their struggle is protecting the Humans, a race who seeks their destruction, & the Plains from all threats, albeit Demons, Angels, or even Gods. Speedster Notes Sound = 1m/4.7Secs Light = 7.5 trips around Earth per sec Earth = 24,901 miles in Circumference, 7,926 miles in Diameter TBP's Jupiter (Their Earth) = 347x Earth. 8,640,647 miles in Circumference, 2,750,322 miles in Diameter Speed Feats Are To Be Calculated As They Would Normally. Just As They Would Be On Earth. Major Arkanes: Deities/Gods, Dragons, Angels, Demons & Mystics Minor Arkanes: Witches, Vampires, Therianthropes, Elementals & Adepts Therianthropy Standard: Someone who only Shifts into one animal, or one type of animal. Poly: Someone who believes they can Shift into more than one animal, often two or three. AnTherians: Animals that shift into other animals or humans, they experiance many of the same things we do, and can be polytherians, or nonshifting Therians themselves. Nonshifting: A Therian who has memories of being an animal, but cannot Shift at all. Con: Someone who believes he or she is constantly Shifted Fully Feral: This is the most common form of Therianthropy. The animal is in its fully natural form. Anthromorphic: In this form, the figure is entirely human except for the head, hands, feet, and they are gifted with a tail. Anthro have Animal-like appendages, and are more like Animals that walk Upright, like humans. Anthro-Alt: This is a little more animalistic than the ordinairy Anthro form.


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The Broke...
by RoninPharaoh