Married To A Porn S...
By Tiggermazz
  • Romance
  • betrayal
  • doctor
  • heartbreak
  • lgbtq
  • manxman
  • marriage
  • pornstar
  • romance
  • unlimitedpride
  • wattys2015


Athiss is a new doctor although, he loves his job he's sad to say that he's not thrilled in life. It feels like everything that he's fought for is slowly crumbling at his feet. He knows it is mostly his fault for ignoring everything for far too long. But he was scared, and now that he wants to fight for what he knows he wants he fears it may be too late. Because how can you be happy when your spouse is a Porn Star and you're afraid that he will leave you when the next best thing comes along? Even when he promises you that things will never change. Vaughn has always felt neglected by those that he loves the most. However, he combats that with smiles, and laughter no matter where he goes he tries to make the best of it. But with all the fakeness he is showing he fears that the traits he is showing is what is dooming his marriage to the man that he fought years for. What happens when Vaughn is given an ultimatum: either he quits his job or his husband, his Athiss will leave? Which will he choose? And if he can choose will he regret it?

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Married T...
by Tiggermazz