Set in the age of the Edo period, Kise Ryouta, Aomine Daiki, Tetsuya Kuroko, Murasakibara Atsushi, Midorima Shintaro and their leader, Akashi Seijuuro are elite members of a samurai clan united as one as the strongest swordsmen of the Kingdom of Teiko. Azalea Mizuka was estranged from her hometown one day, believed to be running away when she stumbled upon a few lackey members of the Teiko Samurai Clan. Drunk and doing things unconsciously, they began to etch closer and closer to the young girl. Kise Ryouta appears out of nowhere and rescues the said girl from the clutches of the lecherous men. Bringing her back to the headquarters spark some unusual events. Watch them all unfold as she attaches herself closer and closer to one of them. An Akashi x OC fanfiction.