Love Hidden In Hate
By Surbhi_RH
  • Romance
  • arrogant
  • baby
  • billionaire
  • boss
  • ceo
  • child
  • chubby
  • clumsy
  • cold
  • complicatedrelationships
  • fiction
  • funny
  • hate
  • hatelove
  • humor
  • india
  • indian
  • jealousy
  • kid
  • love
  • lovehate
  • mine
  • romance
  • rude
  • wattpadindia


"How dare you to talk to me like that, don't you know who is the boss here." "I only stated the fact Sir." "I can fire you this instant only." "That's the lowest thing you can do." "Watch your mouth crazy woman!!" "I'm not crazy but you are a self-obsessed bastard who only knows to fire people without even giving them a chance to explain themselves." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kiara is a very smart girl not as intelligent as toppers but she is definitely good. Her creative mind, her simplicity, her loving and fun nature is what makes her a little different from others. But inspite of her sweet nature she always ends up getting into a fight with one person "Daksh Malhotra" Daksh is a successful businessman, CEO of the "Malhotra Corporations." An introvert and closed kind of guy. He hates kiara's clumsiness, but she is the only one who can stand against his cold behaviour other than his family and friends. But there is one more person who binds these two together. Zen malhotra, the son of Daksh Malhotra. Will they start loving each other? Will they see their sides that they both don't know about? Will kiara ever fall for daksh? Will Zen will play the cupid ? Complicated right!!!!

Author's Note

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Love Hidd...
by Surbhi_RH