I'll Be Yours
By Holly_Summerws
  • Romance
  • abusiverelationship
  • anxiety
  • book
  • boyfriend
  • highschool
  • love
  • possessive
  • richboys
  • romance
  • shygirl
  • socialanxiety
  • struggle
  • youngadult


"Where the hell do you think you're going?" He yelled at me. "Away from you." I shot back but my voice was still calm. I felt his hands wrap around me and forced my body to turn around. I spun around to look at his tall, strong figure. He looked me in the eyes and moved one of his hands down to my thigh then crouched down a little. I was in such a trance by his brown eyes I didn't notice what he was doing until he lifted me off the ground and threw me over his shoulder. He spun on his heel and started walking towards the car. "PUT ME DOWN" I tried wiggling out of his grip but it was no use. He was way too strong for me. "NOW." The one time I wasn't calm and he was. "No," he spoke with a steady but angry voice. He opened the passenger side door and put me in. "Can you buckle yourself or do you need me to?" he seemed amused by my anger. I gave him a glare in response to his offer. "Fine." He turned around to walk inside. " "Don't think about leaving." I didn't. Instead, I slammed the car door shut and huffed in annoyance. CURRENTLY ON HOLD. A little cheesy but not too much. Please let me know if you are actually reading this. It's really motivating! :)*

Chapter 1 and Characters

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by Holly_Summerws