The Secret Life of...
By Lost_Pegasister
  • Fanfiction
  • bullies
  • clique
  • gossip
  • lovetriangles
  • mlp
  • ponies
  • romance
  • sparity
  • sweetiebelle


Twilight Sparkle. A name so few knew. Her life was pretty terrible, if you'd even call it a life. One day, her President makes a decision that will change her so called life forever; and not necessarily in a good way. High School, for any one, is a battleground where the weak don't stand a chance. So, throw in some triangles, and magic friendship, and a whole bunch of drama, and watch as even someone as strong as Twilight begin to slip under the weight of expectations and peer pressure. (I'm rewriting this. I have grown up since I originally wrote this. I'm in High School now, and I feel this fic is not at all a good representation of my work and abilities. It doesn't fit my standards any longer.)

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The Secre...
by Lost_Pegasister