By crosssnas
  • Action
  • angst
  • cross
  • crosssans
  • dust
  • dustsans
  • error
  • errorsans
  • hate
  • hatesans
  • horror
  • horrorsans
  • killer
  • killersans
  • nightmare
  • nightmaresans
  • undertale


All characters belong to there own owners not to me. This is only a fanfic. Dream and Nightmare belong to Joku not me this is only a fanfic Cross was always a loyal servant to nightmare after all he did save him from the void. Nightmare may not show much but he cares about all of his team especially Cross. But since nightmare is a stubborn asshole he constantly pushes Cross away. Just because he wants to stop these feelings he takes extreme measures. But what happens when it becomes to much. I mean Cross is strong enough to prevent this but he doesn't, because he believes he owes him his loyalty. And cross cares about nightmare way to much to hurt him. And fighting him wouldn't help. Cross trains harder than the rest and gets the most punishment. What nobody realizes is that they underestimate his power. What happens when nightmare pushes him to far? When Nightmare breaks his heart? Will Cross be the same? Will he still take everything like he used to? Or will he finally break and show his true potential. Read to find out Possible CROSSMARE idk gotta read it to see ⚠️WARNING⚠️ self harm Abuse Sexual shit Cussing Blood And I'll list as I go along

It All Begins

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by crosssnas