Solitaire: Defeat T...
By WinnieKxtLo
  • Romance
  • joeygraceffa
  • ldshadowlady
  • meghancamarena
  • mittymoxx
  • smallishbeans
  • vengelfe
  • yammyxox


Solitaire: LDShadowlady And Smallishbeans She is one. One of four. She may not think so but she is unique to the universe with the powers he withholds inside. Her true self is hidden to her and the outside world until her opens her up like a book. Reading her from the inside he also reveals her to the one person who she doent need or want in her life. A virus threatens her life and the possession of her powers but Joel is a distraction. An icon of love that Lizzie cant help but fall for. Love means danger. Danger means death. The fight between love and the virus is overwhelming, carrying many new fears to the hearts of the loved people. Darkness is an age that is difficult to escape if you fall down but they are holding on. They are holding onto one string that is their love. Their love is the only thing that can stop the virus from destroying their difference and tearing them apart. Their love is they key. The key to a door that can open up many opportunities but also seperte them from everything they love. Is it worth the risk or will she take the safe path. Can she resist the almost hypnotising features of Joel or will the virus cause havoc? Time to make your moves.... time to play a game of solitaire... Part of a three book trilogy Book one= Solitaire- Coming In October <3 Book 2= Playing the Ace Book 3=Game Over

Solitaire: Defeat the Virus....

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by WinnieKxtLo