Arabian Nights - Ya...
By kalyn_kaz
  • Fanfiction
  • arabiannights
  • atem
  • setokaiba
  • yamiyugi
  • yugioh


Princess Zariah doesn't want to get married. Even though the young, handsome Egyptian priest her father King Ali chose isn't the worst she could do, she'd still rather be single and rule the small city state of Riyawah. Zariah would much rather have no relation to Priest Seto. Until she meets his liege, Prince Atem. Atem shows Zariah a new world, one where the line between reality and fantasy is blurred and no limits exist on what can and can't be done. It's like a dream to Zariah, one she doesn't want to wake up from. Suddenly, the impossible is possible, and Zariah doesn't want to leave this world. But all good things must come to an end. Soon, King Ali will force Zariah to marry Seto so she won't have to rule Riyawah alone, and Zariah will have to choose between following the head that leads her with logic, or the heart that Prince Atem had so sneakily taken from her.

Chapter 1 - Another Arabian Night

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Arabian N...
by kalyn_kaz