Unrequited Love
By Cutella13
  • Teen Fiction
  • ghost
  • lovestory
  • mystery
  • unend


Darryl Byeon was involved in an accident and woke up in a hospital . When he woke up, he could not remember his own name, family member or where he lived. By fingerprint checking, he discovered that his name is Darryl Kang and the place where he lived. When he went home, Darryl feels strange with the famillar house. When he woke up in the middle of the night, he saw a woman leaning down on him. That made him shocked and scared because the girl said she is a ghost. Darryl believes that the woman is a false fancy effects caused by his accident. However, he went to the funeral of the girl and saw a picture of the deceased woman. The dead woman was no other than the ghost who is following him. The name of the ghost is Shella Jung. He was killed inside their home or robbery. Darryl did not know why that ghost sticks with him. Darryl offered himself to help find the culprit of the ghost accident, but Shella said "No need, the detectives will do their job" but there is something more important things the ghost should finish . The Love between the remains mysterious.

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by Cutella13