Branded by Moonlight
By TalesFromMyBrain
  • Fantasy
  • ambi
  • ambiau
  • andi
  • andimack
  • andimackau
  • fantasy
  • gay
  • lesbian
  • lgbt
  • magic
  • magicacademyau
  • mlm
  • muffy
  • muffyau
  • queer
  • trans
  • transgender
  • tyrus
  • tyrusau
  • wlw


In a very different world from our own, the citizens of the magical country of Brileft enjoyed a life of relative peace and prosperity. Cyrus Goodman was a boy from a small town in the southernmost regions of the nation with an affinity for manipulating the elements. He had always dreamed of going to the famous Phoenix Academy in the country's capital, Solrite city. When his letter came in the mail telling him that he'd earned a full scholarship to the school of his dreams, he couldn't have been more thrilled. But when he arrived, he discovered that the acclaimed magic academy isn't as amazing as he thought. Classes were tough, the halls were a minefield, and his classmates were jerks, especially the cocky and aloof bully, TJ Kippen. Things get even more hectic when the prophetic blood moon rises in Brileft's sky, and Cyrus finds himself caught up in a mystery that could turn his whole world onto its head. This world consists of four types of sorcerers: -Conjurers who manipulate the elements -Enchanters who can bend the soul and manipulate the very energy of life -Shapeshifters who can transform into beasts at will; what transformation(s) a shapeshifter can undergo varies on a person by person basis -Diviners who have the power to write the future Usually a person will only have an affinity for one of these four branches of magic, though on extremely rare occasions, some lucky few have been born with an affinity for multiple. NOTES: The world the story is based in is about a hundred or so years behind in technological advancements to our own, with a few exceptions here and there. However architecturally and aesthetically, it definitely resembles more of a fantasy/medieval era civilization than one from the early 1900s. It also lacks things like cars and planes, instead running on universal public transit consisting mainly of elaborate train, subway, and monorail systems.

Prologue: Welcome to Phoenix Academy

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Branded b...
by TalesFromMyBrain