Will you trade your...
By Kyara99
  • Vampire
  • blood
  • cancer
  • homelessness
  • love
  • muteboy
  • romance
  • teenager
  • vampireprincess


"Okay, I will be frank about what I want" Sydney said, looking at the young boy, who still didn't say a single word. His stare made her kind of nervous. "I am a vampire. You are a human. I have muffins. You have blood. I'm suggesting a trade." Sydney lied to the vampire elders to escape her coronation. She succeeded, but her situation is still not so happy, because she doesn't have any blood to drink. She have always refused the idea of killing humans, or taking their blood against their will. Than there is that mute homeless boy with the mysterious, sweet scent, that she comes across on her way to the supermarket. Next time she sees him, he's in the middle of jumping off a bridge. Are these just coincidences or do they share a common fate?

It's a fair trade after all!

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Will you...
by Kyara99