Hello, My name is Joenetta Brown. Typical name for a black girl, right? Anyway I have what most might call a "Good" life but really I don't. Living in a world where if you're not light skin or brown skin, you're disliked. Add having 4C hair, and boom perfect combination of ugly. My life isn't as perfect as it seems. Wanna know more? Read to find out My name is Elijah James. I'm basically covered head to toe in tattoos and what most people would call a "bad boy" but I'm not a bad boy. I don't speak to anyone, everyone believes I can't talk. I'd like to keep it that way. I raise my little sister alone since our parents abandoned us. My name is Jacob Johnson. I actually like Joenetta but I don't think she'll give me a chance . Sometimes I wonder if it's actually affection or pleasure. Wanna know more read to find out.....