Living wanted lies
By svenjapompeo
  • Fanfiction
  • ahsoka
  • anakin
  • anisoka
  • starwars


In this story Anakin isn't married to Padme. Padme is just a good friend. Ahsoka is around 18 and Anakin around 24. He's still her master and after something terrible happened to Ahsoka's family they come actually pretty close. Anakin knows exactly how Ahsoka feels at the moment, but will he be able to help her? And will she let him help her? What will happen to their friendship? Will it break or will it bring them closer together? This is an Anisoka (AnakinxAhsoka) story. Even though I don't ship them together, I decided to write this story because I had this idea in my head. I know there aren't many people who actually ship them, but this is just a short story and I hope you will read it anyway.

Living wanted lies: part1

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Living wa...
by svenjapompeo