Tales of the Heart
By Abubakar_Aisha
  • Romance
  • lovestory
  • lovetriangle
  • marriage
  • nigeria
  • romance


"Batool come here" Umma called me "Naam Umma Am here" "Batool if your parent should tell you to leave something you love would you?" She asked and my heart skipped a beat "Yes I will Umma why won't I" I responded "Okay so yesterday when your dad went out, someone walked up to him regarding you and your dad agreed for him to come and see you today" Umma said and I felt my world crashing Who is this man Where did he see me Where does he know me from to even have the audacity to meet my father Wow so many thought in my head "Okay Allah ya kaimu" My heart was heavy, my eyes filled with tears but I managed to speak Who is he and where did he know me from were the two things I couldn't get off my head

Chapter one

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Tales of...
by Abubakar_Aisha