The Kids In The Old...
By JillieJane
  • Fanfiction
  • atla
  • atlafanfic
  • lok
  • lokfanfic


This is an AU where 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Gen AtLA characters and some LoK characters are all friends, not family. Though there are some siblings (below) and relationships (below) SIBLINGS Mako/Bolin Jinora/Ikki Bumi/Kya/Tenzin RELATIONSHIPS Korra/Asami Bumi/Izumi Lin/Tenzin Azula/Ty Lee Suki/Sokka (after breakup) Toph/Sokka AGES Earth Toph 18 Su 16 Lin 17 Bolin 16 Waterbenders Wen (OC) 13 Kya 16 Katara 17 Korra 17 Firebenders Zari (OC) 13 Mako 19 Azula 19 Zuko 20 Izumi 17 Airbenders Opal 15 Jinora 16 Kai 16 Ikki 13 Tenzin 17 Aang 18 Nonbenders Asami 17 Suki 19 Iroh 20 Sokka 20 Bumi 20 Ty Lee 18 Mai 19 This story is dedicated to @BeifongFirebender. She is a true inspiration, the reason I write. Go look at her stories, they are works of art as none I've seen before, more beautiful than a sunset and emotional than a teenage girl, yet all woven together in a cloth made of tears and smiles, truths within fantasies, and hope within darkness. That cloth is perfectly imperfect, as it was made by a human, but nothing I've ever read could be compared. Go give these works of art a try, you'll be doing yourself a favor.

Chapter One

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The Kids...
by JillieJane